How does an event report sent? Does the device send out any event/alert reports by default?
The device is not setup with default event reports. All the event reporting can be defined by AT$REPT command. This way, administrator/monitor can have more flexibility to see the reports they want and omit those unnecessary reports.
When I test the device, the GPS can't seem to get its fix.
If you are testing the device indoor, it might be that the GPS module needs to be in an open outdoor environment. Please confirm that the device is in an open outdoor environment in order to ensure that the GPS has the best signal. In addition, each model has a different recommended installation position and method, please refer to the user manual to install each model to get the best GPS result.
Why is it when I test the device, it suddenly stops responding not long after it was turned on?
If you are testing the device on the table/using a power source, it's possible that your device has entered sleep mode. Using AK11 as an example, the default sleep mode setting for AK11 is $PMGR=2,2,0,1,1,1 (when the engine has been detected as OFF for one minute, then it will enter sleep mode). The default AT$EGNS setting for AK11 is $EGNS=132,5,130,30,0 (which means the device will only detect engine = ON when the main voltage is above 13.2V for 5 seconds). Therefore, when you connect the device using a USB or if the main voltage is below 13.2, the device will go into sleep mode after one minute. If you encounter this situation, we recommend you to turn on the device and then turn off the sleep mode (by issuing AT$PMGR=0), then you can start to configure and test the device.
When the device is only connected to the PC using USB, it can't connect to the server.
Even though several models can be started up and configured by connecting to the PC using USB, however, the modem still needs to be powered up using the main voltage. Therefore if you're testing the server connection on the desk, please refer to the user manual on how to feed the modem main voltage.

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