How I can prevent my drivers from using the SIM card inside the device?
To prevent the unauthorized use of the SIM card, enabling the PIN code is strongly suggested. Once the PIN code in the SIM is enabled, please remember to set the AT$SPIN command in order for the device to use the SIM card.
How do I setup the device to accept commands via SMS?
By default, the commands can be sent via SMS to the device for configuration. But in order to receive the status response, the “Base SMS Number” in the AT$GSMS command needs to be set.
How do I define if I want to use SMS or GPRS as the default communication method?
By default, the GPRS is not enabled. The SMS will be the default communication method. In case that the GPRS is preferred, the GPRS function needs to be enabled with necessary information.
What is the required information in order to establish connection via GPRS between device and server?
To establish the connection via GPRS, the following information is needed from the GSM carrier: 1. GPRS Access Point Name (APN) 2. GPRS Login Username (if required) 3. GPRS Login Password (if required) Once the GPRS connection is established, the device needs to know how to get to the server. Therefore, the following information is needed from the software hosting service provider or the MIS in your company: 4. Server IP address or FQDN (e.g. www.example.com) 5. Server Listening Socket Type and Port Number. All the above five information needs to be entered into AT$GPRS command.
In my country, the GPRS connection is not stable. Can I use the SMS when the GPRS is not available?
The device is capable of switching to SMS when GPRS is unavailable. To achieve this, the following commands need to be configured: 1. AT$GSMS (To setup the Base SMS Number) 2. AT$GGAS (To enable the GPRS and SMS auto switch)
When I in the roaming state, can I switch the GPRS to SMS as the default reporting method?
Yes, the device can be setup to perform in such way. All you need to do is to setup the “Restrict Mode” and “SMS Instead” in the AT$ROAM command. Furthermore, you can prolong the tracking interval by setting the “Preferred/Not Preferred Mode”. In the case that you have cooperated GSM carrier even in the roaming areas and prefer to use their networks, you can also specify them in the “Provider Code”.

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